AIB works closely with counsel in crafting sound strategies related to the complex financial aspects associated with divorce proceedings. We have participated in many matrimonial litigation and mediation matters, ranging from high profile divorce cases to regular families trying to determine the fairest financial arrangements for everyone to move forward.
As a matrimonial specialist, we are especially adept in the accounting, tax and legal aspects of marital dissolutions, forensic accounting needed to track assets, identifying and quantifying separate and marital property, lifestyle analysis and sources available for child and spousal support. Our analyses often reveal the hidden numbers and uncover the financial facts that help our clients prevail.
We also assist counsel at depositions, financial negotiations and in structuring the evaluation of settlement proposals, equitable distribution, asset tracing, dissipation issues, child support and spousal maintenance requirements, and the tax consequences of property distributions and support arrangements.
We provide Expert consulting and testimony services on behalf of financially dependent and independent spouses in cases involving a wide variety of complex issues.
for up to 2 editors and 3 projects
for up to 2 editors and 3 projects
for up to 2 editors and 3 projects
We use eFraud Services to analyze large volumes of bank, investment and credit card statements to improve accuracy and efficiency and greatly reduce cost.
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Copyright @ 2020 Alan I. Blass, CPA, CFE. All rights reserved
Designed by Aliza U